How to automate your sales and marketing in the new year

If you have just taken a step back reviewing your last year’s sales performance in your business and you are not happy with what you see, chances are that you will need to improve either your lead generation, your sales, or your conversions. If you focus on these three areas alone, you can achieve great results. Automating the things that work in your digital marketing is also a great way of reclaiming your time and resources and being able to focus on the strategy, instead of the small tasks, Below you will find a few tips on how to get started.

Focus On Things That Work

First, you will have to create a realistic overview of your marketing activities. Have you done enough? Did you focus on the things that really take your business further? What type of lead generation methods should you get rid of, and which ones you should focus more on? If you haven’t kept statistics and didn’t measure your ad performance, you can still review the different channels manually, so you stop wasting your time and resources.

Measure Everything

Once you have identified which lead generation and sales processes are working the best for your business, it is time to start measuring everything. There are plenty of great ways of doing so; implementing a smart social media and traffic management tool and a CRM that will track your leads and conversions is the simplest solution, but it will cost you a bit of money. Choose your CRM system carefully and make sure you are familiar with using it. Having a report on your weekly ad performance will help you improve your digital marketing.

Design a Sales Funnel

If you have heard about sales funnels before, but cannot get your head around them, there are some great guides out there. In fact, they are simple once you understand how they work and how they can help you automate your marketing and sales. While there are plenty of sales funnel software out there that you can plug in your company, it is recommended to get one designed that suits your customers’ needs, your industry, and your end goals.


Getting leads might be one of the most challenging things you need to do to improve your business. However, what happens to the leads if they decide not to buy the first time they get in touch with you? Are they getting added to an autoresponder and newsletter, so you can stay in touch and remind them of the benefits of your products or services? Once they have shown interest in your company, they are much more likely to buy than expensive cold leads. Build a mailing list that lasts and you can maximize the worth of every lead.

Blog Subscriptions

If you are not familiar with adding people to your autoresponder, you can encourage them to sign up for updates on your blog. If you can provide value to your readers and get them interested in what you have to offer, you can get them to subscribe to your blog and come back every time you publish new content.

Video Marketing

To create a deeper, more personal relationship with your readers, you might want to engage in video marketing. This is a great way of building that connection and making people remember your personal and business brand. Remember that today’s internet users are not that interested in reading long-winded articles; they are looking for short and instant answers to their most important questions.

Social Media Automation

If you would like to spend less time on social media and more on creating and improving your business strategy, you should automate your posts and your updates. There are several great social media management packages that will allow you to take a step back, create content when you have time, and monitor the results without having to spend hours engaging with people and getting distracted by cute cat videos.

Follow Up Every Lead

No matter if you are engaging with people in person, go out networking, or use a lead generation company, you should absolutely follow up every lead. You have to ask people you meet for permission to add them to your updates list and send out more information. What is the point spending time and money on generating leads if you don’t turn them into paying customers?

AB Testing

Whenever you launch a new campaign or create a social media campaign, you need to be prepared that the first version is not going to be the best one. AB testing of landing pages, emails, and headlines will give you the information you need to pick the winner and ditch the loser. Creating an AB test when starting a campaign will help you make the most out of your advertising budget.

Create Reciprocity Through Content

One of the areas people don’t focus on enough is engaging with their audience and creating reciprocity. You should provide value before you ask for their credit card information and money if you want to increase your conversion rates and make more sales with less effort. Don’t be afraid of providing value; the more professional and knowledgeable you seem, the more your website visitors are going to trust you and want to connect with you.

If one of your main targets for the new year is to improve your conversion rates, your sales, and marketing processes, you need to focus on improving your sales funnels and automating some tasks to have more time for strategy development.


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